Physiotherapy in oncology: a complementary method to treat cancer
When cancer treatment ends, people begin a new chapter in their lives filled with hope and happiness. However, many of these treatments cause adverse effects that can be controlled with physical therapy in oncology.
It is convenient to introduce physiotherapy as part of a comprehensive treatment for cancer patients, since it offers the option of a faster recovery and can improve the quality of life of those patients who are in terminal stages of the disease._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
One of the many advantages of physiotherapy in oncology is that it can be applied before, during and/or after surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, hormonal therapy, bone marrow transplants, gene therapy or any other method to combat cancer._cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Oncological physiotherapy in some types of cancer
breast cancer
In this type of cancer, it is the one in which oncological physiotherapy intervenes the most, since several studies assure that this treatment is very effective to prevent possible complications or as a treatment for scars, fibrosis, lymphedema of the upper extremity, pain, among others.
The most used technique in this case is manual lymphatic drainage that stimulates the evacuation of liquids from the lymphatic system, reducing inflammation and improving the state of the tissues.
Nervous system
It is common, after cancer treatment, for the nervous system to suffer some effects such as loss of mobility, of some functions or paralysis of different nerves. In this case, physiotherapy before, during and after cancer treatment can help restore greater mobility and functionality of the joints and thus help improve the patient's quality of life.
Lung cancer
For this case, the treatment that is normally implemented is cardiorespiratory physiotherapy whose objective is to reduce dyspnea, pain, improve the patient's quality of life and progressively increase exercise tolerance.
Well-structured physical therapy of this kind can help improve lung capacity, decrease side effects of the procedure, prevent new recurrences, and decrease both morbidity and mortality.
Thephysical therapy in oncology is not used to treat the cancer itself, it can be an extremely effective way to help patients maintain their quality of life.

Psycho-oncological therapy: helps improve the quality of life of the patient and their families.
What is psycho-oncology?
Psycho-oncology constitutes a specialized branch between medicine and psychology that deals with the relationships between behavior, health and disease states, prevention and treatment, the promotion of healthy habits and interdisciplinarity._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Oncological psychology is a branch of psychology responsible for the study and psychotherapy of cancer patients, as well as their families, offering them the necessary tools to face the diagnosis and treatment of any type of cancer.
Through psychotherapy, the therapist guides and gives emotional support to the patient at all stages of the disease, especially for the adaptation to psychological and physical disorders that involve treatments and surgical operations (such as hair loss caused by chemotherapy, or breast removal in the case of breast cancer). In addition, in the event that the type of cancer or its late detection do not allow a hopeful or curative diagnosis or treatment of the patient, oncological psychology deals with the accompaniment and guidance of family members throughout the disease and mourning process. , detecting the development of pathological reactions typical of this type of process.
Preparation for psycho-oncology
Psycho-oncology does not require any special preparation. It is common for people who suffer from cancer to present some psychological alteration that can be treated through psycho-oncology. In fact, it is estimated that between 30 and 50% of patients suffer from some disorder, among which anxiety, adjustment and depression stand out, which if not treated correctly can cause other emotional or physical problems.
Care after the intervention
After overcoming cancer, it may be necessary to continue requiring psychological help, due to the sequelae or side effects of the treatment undergone, in addition to helping to return to normalcy. In cases of relapse or, in the worst cases, loss, psycho-oncology can also help the patient and family members in grief.